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来源 : 附属医院(临床医学院、口腔医学院)     作者 : 研究生办     时间 : 2023-12-25



 ◆ 导师基本情况




◆ 研究领域 

口腔种植学,数字化口腔种植技术、终末期牙列数字化闭环修复 牙槽骨缺损修复、骨组织工程学 AI口腔数智化诊疗

◆ 主讲课程 


◆ 教育和工作经历 


2008-2010:德国柏林 洪堡大学牙科学院,博士




2013年-至今:口腔科 科主任,种植中心主任 

2020年-至今:浙江省人民医院牙科中心 主任医师 

2012年-2020年:浙江省人民医院口腔科 副主任医师

2006年-2012年: 浙江省人民医院 主治医师 

2001年-2006年: 浙江省人民医院 住院医师 

◆ 学术任职 

中华口腔医学会全科口腔专委会常务委员 中华口腔医学会修复专委会委员 浙江省口腔医学会副会长 浙江省口腔医学会口腔全科专委会主任委员 浙江省口腔医学会口腔种植专委会副主任委员 国际牙医师学院(ICD)院士Fellow 国际种植牙医师协会(ICOI)中国区副会长、浙江专家委员会会长 浙江省医师协会口腔医师分会常务委员 中国人体健康科技促进会口腔种植专业委员会副主任委员 浙江省数理医学口腔健康促进会副主任委员 浙江省预防医学会口腔疾病预防与控制专委会副主委 浙江省生命健康联合体青年委员会委员 浙江省口腔质控委员会委员 口腔材料器械杂志常务副主编,浙江医学教育杂志审稿专家 

◆ 主持教学科研项目 








◆ 代表性论著 

Yude Ding, Yuxin Zheng, Runzhi Chen, Ruijue Cao, Jianping Chen, Linhong Wang, Fan Yang. Accuracy of a Novel Semi-Autonomous Robotic-Assisted Surgery System for Single Implant Placement: a Case Series, Journal of Dentistry, 2023 (通讯作者,IF: 4.991) 

Wentao Zhang, Yude Ding, Linhong Wang, Fan Yang. Retrieval of a fractured implant abutment using a modified cover screw removal instrument: A clinical report. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. (通讯作者,IF: 4.6) 

Wentao Zhang, Fan Yang. Letter to the Editor regarding “Technique to retrieve implant abutment fragments” by Lee JH, et al, The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. (通讯作者,IF: 4.6) 

Fan Yang, Yan Ruan, Xiaolei Bai, Qi Li, Xiaodong Tang, Jianping Chen, Yunfang Chen, Linhong Wang. Alveolar ridge preservation in sockets with severe periodontal destruction using autogenous partially demineralized dentin matrix: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 29 May 2023 6. (第一作者,IF: 4.259)

 Wang L, Bai X, Liu Y, Islam R, Hoshika S, Sano H, Yang F. The Effect of an Extra Hydrophobic Resin Layer on the Bond Strength and Durability of One-Step Universal Adhesives Used as a Primer. J Dent. 2023 Jun 10:104568. (通讯作者,IF: 4.991)

 Sun X, Cheng K, Liu Y, Ke S, Zhang W, Wang L, Yang F. Biomechanical comparison of all-on-4 and all-on-5 implant-supported prostheses with alteration of anterior-posterior spread: a three-dimensional finite element analysis. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2023 Jun 16;11:1187504. (通讯作者, IF 5.7) 

Shen L, Dong C, Chen J, Bai X, Yang F, Wang L. The mechanical and clinical influences of prosthetic index structure in Morse taper implant-abutment connection: a scoping review. BMC Oral Health. 2023;23(1):775. Published 2023 Oct 21. (共同通讯作者IF:3.747) 

Xiaolei Bai, Ruijue Cao, Danni Wu, Huicong Zhang, Fan Yang, Linhong Wang. Dental Pulp Stem Cells for Bone Tissue Engineering: A Literature Review. Stem Cells International, vol. 2023, Article ID 7357179, 15 pages, 2023. (共同通讯作者,IF: 4.3) 

Ding Y, Zhou H, Zhang W, Chen J, Zheng Y, Wang L, Yang F. Evaluation of a platform-switched Morse taper connection for all-on-four or six treatment in edentulous or terminal dentition treatment: A retrospective study with 1-8 years of follow-up. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2023 May 29. (通讯作者, IF 4.259 ) 

Wang X, Gao S, Jiang K, et al. Multi-level Uncertainty Aware Learning for Semi-supervised Dental Panoramic Caries Segmentation[J]. Neurocomputing.540 (2023): 126208.(通讯作者) 

Chen J, Bai X, Ding Y, Shen L, Sun X, Cao R, Yang F, Wang L. Comparison the accuracy of a novel implant robot surgery and dynamic navigation system in dental implant surgery: an in vitro pilot study. BMC Oral Health. 2023 Mar 28;23(1):179.(共同通讯作者) 

Yang F, Ruan Y, Liu Y, Chen J, Chen Y, Zhang W, Ding Y, Wang L. Abutment mechanical complications of a Morse taper connection implant system: A 1- to 9-year retrospective study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2022 Oct;24(5): 683-695. (第一作者)

Zhang WT, Cheng KJ, Liu YF, Wang R, Chen YF, Ding YD, Yang F, Wang LH. Effect of the prosthetic index on stress distribution in Morse taper connection implant system and peri-implant bone: a 3D finite element analysis. BMC Oral Health. 2022 Sep 30;22(1):431. (共同通讯作者) 

Wang L, Ruan Y, Chen J, Luo Y, Yang F. Assessment of the relationship between labial gingival thickness and the underlying bone thickness in maxillary anterior teeth by two digital techniques. Sci Rep. 2022 Jan 13;12(1):709. (通讯作者) 

Wang LH, Ruan Y, Zhao WY, Chen JP, Yang F. Modified membrane fixation technique in a severe continuous horizontal bone defect: A case report. World J Clin Cases. 2022 Jun 16;10(17):5789-5797. (通讯作者) 

Wang LH, Gao SZ, Bai XL, Chen ZL, Yang F. An Up-To-Date Overview of Dental Tissue Regeneration Using Dental Origin Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Challenges and Road Ahead. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2022 Apr 12;10:855396. (通讯作者) 

Zhao W, Ruan Y, Zhang W, Yang F. Synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint with 400 loose bodies: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res. 2021 Mar;49(3):3000605211000526. (通讯作者) 

Yang F, Zhang X, Huang H, Wu G, Lippuner K, Hunziker EB. Anticytokine Activity Enhances Osteogenesis of Bioactive Implants. Tissue Eng Part A. 2021 Feb;27(3-4):177-186. (第一作者) 

Wentao Zhang, Kai Wang, Fan Yang. Spontaneous Discharged Submandibular Gland Duct Sialolith: Α Rare Case Report[J]. Indian Journal of Surgery,2020,82(1):205–207. (通讯作者) 

Linhong Wang, Jianping Chen, Wentao Zhang, Hongshan Wu, Fan Yang. Accuracy of assessing gingival thickness in the esthetic maxillary region by periodontal probing, cone-beam computed tomography and digital scanning. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2019;12(8):10302-10309. (通讯作者) 

Wang L, Chen F, Yang F, Hoshika S, Yamauti M, Liu Y, Sano H. Bioactive Two-step Approach: Promising Bonding Strategy for a One-step Self-etch Universal Adhesive. J Adhes Dent. 2019;21(5):413-421. (通讯作者) 

LH Wang, M Xu, LQ Fu, XY Chen, Fan Yang. The Antihelminthic NiclosamideInhibits Cancer Stemness, Extracellular Matrix Remodeling, and Metastasis through Dysregulation of the Nuclear β-catenin/c-Myc axis in OSCC. Scientific Reports, 2018 Aug 24;8(1):12776. (通讯作者) 

Fan Yang, Mueller J, Kielbassa AM. Surface substance loss of subsurface bovine enamel lesions after different steps of the resinous infiltration technique: a 3D topography analysis. Odontology. 2012 Jul;100(2):172-180. (第一作者)

Mueller J, Yang F, Neumann K, Kielbassa AM. Surface tridimensional topography analysis of materials and finishing procedures after resinous infiltration of subsurface bovine enamel lesions. Quintessence Int. 2011 Feb; 42(2):135-147.(共同第一作者) 

Chen XY, Xu SZ, Wang XW, Yang XY, Ma L, Zhang L, Yang GJ, Yang F, Wang LH, Zhang XL, Ting K, Gao CY, Mou XZ, Gou ZR, Zou H. Systematic comparison of biologically active foreign ions-codoped calcium phosphate microparticles on osteogenic differentiation in rat osteoporotic and normal mesenchymal stem cells. Oncotarget. 2017 May 30;8(22):36578-36590. 

周华俊,丁榆德,杨帆. 壳聚糖基微球在口腔组织病损治疗中的研究进展[J].口腔医学,2023,43(01):92-96. 

郑雨欣,丁榆德,陈枫,杨帆. 丝素蛋白作为口腔组织再生屏障材料的应用进展[J].口腔医学, 


罗云潇,杨帆,陈云芳,王林红. 水凝胶类软组织扩张器在口腔黏膜软组织扩张中的应用研究进展[J].浙江医学,2022,44(07):781-786.(通讯作者) 

杨帆, 陈建萍,王林红. 纤维蛋白胶复合两脱蛋白小牛骨的成骨效应观察,浙江医学,2019,41(15):1579-1583.(通讯作者) 

王林红,陈云芳,陈建萍,杨帆. 疏水树脂层增加一步法通用型粘结剂粘结强度的实验研究. 浙江医学. 2020,42(22):2421-2424.(通讯作者) 

陈建萍,王林红,杨帆. 数字化技术评估上颌前牙区唇侧牙龈厚度与骨板厚度的相关性研究. 口腔材料器械杂志. 2020,29(2):32-37.(通讯作者) 


杨帆, 徐梅, 陈鹤良. 一种前牙美学修复体边缘适合性的比较研究. 浙江医学杂志. 2012. 34(9): 681- 683, 689. (第一作者) 

◆ 成果奖励 


◆  授权专利及转化  

 1.杨帆, 赵骞, 罗云潇, 倪楚君, 王林红. 一种基于形状记忆材料的软组织扩张器及其制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利:CN113521401A, 2021-10-22. 

2.赵骞,杨帆,罗云潇等. 一种水凝胶软组织扩张器及其制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利:CN113456283B,2022-10-11. 

3.杨帆, 张文涛, 陈云芳, 王林红, 阮妍. 一种牙种植体折断基台取出装置[P]. CN215425219U,2022-01-07. 

4.杨帆, 赵文妍, 王林红, 张文涛, 陈建萍. 一种用于牙种植骨增量的钛支架[P]. CN212466218U,2021-02-05. 

5.杨帆, 赵文妍, 王林红, 张文涛, 陈建萍. 一种用于牙种植骨增量的钛支架及其制作方法[P]. CN111545753A,2020-08-18.


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