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来源 : 附属医院(临床医学院、口腔医学院)     作者 : 焦其彬     时间 : 2022-09-19















1. 抑郁症脑网络层级结构及其相继故障机制

2. 精神影像遗传学

3. 精神影像人工智能


1. 心理学基础

2. 大学生心理健康教育



20133月,杭州师范大学附属医院/临床医学院 认知与脑疾病研究中心,教师


共发表学术论文近50篇,其中以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/SSCI论文20余篇,发表论文被Nat Rev Neurosci, PNAS, J Neurosci, Transl Psychiat, Schizophr Bull等杂志近300次引用。担任Frontiers in PsychiatryFrontiers in NeuroscienceFrontiers in Psychology学术编辑,为Translational Psychiatry20SCI期刊审稿人。主持省部级项目1项和市厅级项目3项,参与完成国自然面上项目4项和省部级项目2项。

本人具有临床认知神经科学+计算机科学交叉背景,科研兴趣广,包容心强,与学生亦师亦友,指导学生认真负责,善于激发学生潜力。陆续获得学院教师课外育人考核优秀(2020, 附属医院学术创新奖(2021)。历届所指导研究生陆续以第一作者发表高水平SCI学术论文,不断获得国家奖学金、浙江省优秀毕业生、杭师大恒逸邱建林星光奖一等奖、杭师大优秀硕士学位论文、杭师大研究生创新成果奖等。研究生毕业后分别赴北大、中科院大学和浙大等名校深造。


1. 浙江省自然科学基金一般项目,抑郁症患者下丘脑活动模式的异常:功能磁共振研究(LY17H180007), 9万,201701-2019.12

2. 浙江省医药卫生科技计划-临床研究应用项目,情绪网络机器学习技术在抑郁症识别和疗效预测中的应用研究(2022KY1055), 3万,202201-2023.12

代表性论著(*为通讯作者,#为并列第一作者,5impact factor)

(22) Zhao Lei(研究生), Wang DL*, Xue Shao-Wei*, Tan ZL, Luo H,Wang Y, Li H,Pan C,Fu S,Hu X,Lan Z,Yang X,Kuai C. Antidepressant treatment induced state-dependent reconfiguration of emotion regulation networks in major depressive disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022,12:771147

(21) Zhao Lei(研究生), Xue Shao-Wei*, Sun YK, Lan Z, Zhang Z, Xue Y, Wang X, Jin Y. Altered dynamic functional connectivity of insular subregions could predict symptom severity of male patients with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2022,299:504-512

(20) Zhao Lei(研究生), Sun YK, Xue Shao-Wei*, Luo Hong, Lu Xiao-Dong, Zhang LH*. Identifying Boys With Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Whole-Brain Resting-State Interregional Functional Connections Using a Boruta-Based Support Vector Machine Approach. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2022,16:761942

(19) Zhao Lei(研究生), Wang DL*, Xue Shao-Wei*, Tan ZL, Wang Y, Lan Z. Aberrant state-related dynamic amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations of the emotion network in major depressive disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2021, 133:23-31

(18) Xiao Yang(研究生), Zhao L,Wang DL*, Xue Shao-Wei*, Tan ZL, Lan Z, Kuai C, Wang Y, Li H, Pan C, Fu S, Hu X. Effective connectivity of right amygdala subregions predicts symptom improvement following 12-week pharmacological therapy in major depressive disorder. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2021, 15:742102

(17) Sun YK(研究生), Lan Z, Xue Shao-Wei*,Zhao L,Yang X,Kuai C,Lin Q, Bao K. Brain state-dependent dynamic functional connectivity patterns in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2021, 138:569-575

(16) Lan Z(研究生), Sun Y, Zhao L, Xiao Y, Kuai C, Xue Shao-Wei*. Aberrant effective connectivity of the ventral putamen in boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatry Investigation, 2021, 18(8):763-769

(15) Sun YK(研究生), Zhao Lei, Lan Z, Jia Xi-Ze, Xue Shao-Wei*. Differentiating boys with ADHD from those with typical development based on whole-brain functional connections using a machine learning approach. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2020, 16:691-702

(14) Xue Shao-Wei#, Wu HB#, Zhang LH, Zhang DX*. Intranasal oxytocin increases perceptual salience of faces in the absence of awareness. Psychiatry Investigation, 2020, 17(4):292-298

(13) Wang DL, Xue Shao-Wei*, Tan ZL, Wang Y, Lian Z, Sun Y. Altered hypothalamic functional connectivity patterns in major depressive disorder. NeuroReport, 2019, 30(16): 1115–1120

(12) Xue Shao-Wei, Wang DL, Tan ZL, Wang Y, Lian Z, Sun Y, Hu X, Wang X, Zhou X. Disrupted brain entropy and functional connectivity patterns of thalamic subregions in major depressive disorder. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2019, 15: 2629–2638

(11) Xue Shao-Wei#, Guo YH#, Peng W#, Zhang J, Chang D, Zang YF, Wang Ze. Increased low-frequency resting state brain activity by high-frequency repetitive TMS on the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Psychology, 2017, 8:02266

(10) Xue Shao-Wei, Yu Q, Guo YH, Song D, Wang Z. Resting-state brain entropy in schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2019, 89:16-21

(9) Lee TW, Xue Shao-Wei. Does emotion regulation engage the same neural circuit as working memory? A meta-analytical comparison between cognitive reappraisal of negative emotion and 2-back working memory task. PLOS ONE, 2018, 13

(8) Lee TW#, Xue Shao-Wei#. Functional connectivity maps based on hippocampal and thalamic dynamics may account for the default-mode network. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2018, 47(5): 388–398

(7) Xue Shao-Wei. Lee TW, Guo Y. Spontaneous activity in medial orbitofrontal cortex correlates with trait anxiety in healthy male adults. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 2018, 19(8): 643-653

(6) Xue Shao-Wei, Guo Y. Increased resting-state brain entropy in Alzheimer's disease, NeuroReport, 2018, 29(4):286-290

(5) Lee TW, Xue Shao-Wei. Revisiting the functional and structural connectivity of large-scale cortical networks. Brain Connectivity, 2018, 8(3):129-138

(4) Lee TW, Xue Shao-Wei. Linking graph features of anatomical architecture to regional brain activity: a multi-modal MRI study. Neuroscience Letters, 2017651:123-127

(3) Lee TW, Xue Shao-Wei, Examination of the validity of the atlas-informed approach to functional parcellation: a resting functional MRI study. NeuroReport, 2017, 28(11):649-653

(2) Xue Shao-Wei, Weng Xuchu, He Sheng, Li DW. Similarity representation of pattern-information fMRI. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(11):1236-1242

(1) Xue Shao-Wei, Li D, Weng XC, Northoff G, Li DW, Different neural manifestations of two slow frequency bands in resting functional magnetic resonance imaging: a systemic survey at regional, interregional, and network levels. Brain Connectivity. 2014, 4(4):242-255


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